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How To Look Your Best: Laser Skin Care Treatments

Scar Treatments: When you suffer a scar, if brands trauma / injury, acne, chickenpox, or extensible, many will develop insecurities with her. Fortunately, with the technology today, there are many options available that can reduce or eliminate these scars. Find a skin care clinic reputable scar removal treatments offer led by senior medical esthetician, and possibly a doctor will give the best results under appropriate supervision. Have a question for both your scar and your skin type is the first step to assess the treatment of scars.

Acne scars

Ice pick scars: Acne is the most common cause of ice pick scars. Although the width is minimal, are deep scars.
Boxed scars: Scars of the box are generally larger than icepick scars with very sharp angular scars with vertical edges, and resemble chickenpox scars.
Rolling scars: Scars rolling may be broad but shallow and give the skin a wave-like appearance.
Hypertrophic scars: Hypertrophic scars are raised and lumpy.
Hyperpigmentation Hyper pigmentation refers to reddish or brown markings, which are often confused with scars, because they can last for months.
Other common treatable scars

Stretch marks: Stretch marks first appear as reddish or purple lines of color, but tend to gradually fade to a lighter range. Usually they are caused by pregnancy or rapid weight loss.

Current treatments for scars

Fractional Laser

Fractional Laser is a treatment that works. Whether your concerns are you scaring from acne, surgery / injury, or striae, fractional skin resurfacing may be an option.

Laser ablation usually refers to the old school style of resurfacing was a scorched earth approach to stretch the skin. The results were very ... sometimes, but the loss of pigment was high, the skin is tight, and the lines are remarkable. Now we have more options. This results in a fractional ablative laser or fastest time semi-ablative no cure, less risk of pigment, and better treatment of scars.

Microdermabrasion skins / chemistry

Microdermabrasion and chemical peels are exfoliation procedures to resurface the skin gently. This is an effective treatment for superficial scars. Both treatments remove dead skin cells on the surface and damaged skin revealing fresh and in good condition. A combination of these treatments is ideal for light or mild hyperpigmentation scare. For best results, multiple treatments may be required.

IPL - Intense Pulsed Light

This procedure is more commonly known as photo rejuvenation. Photo rejuvenation is a noninvasive treatment that removes surface skin damage such as hyperpigmentation without disturbing the surface of the skin, therefore no downtime.

All the above treatments are very effective, but before starting any scar removal treatment, it is recommended to find a skin care clinic with renowned experience and the right equipment to handle your healing.
How To Look Your Best: Laser Skin Care Treatments How To Look Your Best: Laser Skin Care Treatments Reviewed by Mohamed on janvier 08, 2014 Rating: 5

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